
(La mécanique)


> ajustage = fitting
> alésage = boring
> axe = axis (pl. axes)
> bloquer = to tighten
> bord = edge
> boulonner = to bolt
> chariot = shuttle cart
> contraindre = to strain
> déformer = to distort
> diamètre = diameter
> étalonnage = calibrating
> filetage = thread
> filière = die
> fixer = to fix
> force centrifuge = centrifugal force
> fraisage = milling
> gabarit = template (GB) / templet (US)
> limer = to file
> pièce détachée = spare part
> pièces et main d'oeuvre = labour and parts
> pression = pressure
> roulement lisse/ à aiguilles/à billes = eye/needle/ball bearing
> taraud = top
> tour = rotation
> vérin = cylinder / jack
> vide (nom) = vacuum
> visser = to screw - Ressources pour apprendre/enseigner l'anglais (cours, jeux, grammaire, tests, section bac...)