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    [Espagnol]Aide pour BAC Anglais

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    [Espagnol]Aide pour BAC Anglais
    Message de nyse posté le 09-05-2017 à 20:04:41 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour, Je suis en Terminale et j'ai préparé un texte pour mon oral d'Anglais; pourriez-vous me donner votre avis et m'aider à le corriger. Merci d'avance.

    I adore the sport since any young, I looked at many matches of various sports at the TV with my father and my grandfather, the matches of soccer, rugby, handball, Tennis and the olympics... From the age of 7 years I began to go in for sport in club, I played soccer in club for Aubenas, I matched there 4 years then at the age of my 11 years I joined the rugby always to Aubenas I matched there 2 years at the same time I also made on 1 year of fencing then at the age of my 13 years I began the handball again and again to the club of Aubenas I matched there 4 years and I stopped(arrested) at the age of my 17 years in the day of today I practise no more sport in club but I still make of the soccer in leisure with my friends the weekend and I am the soccer a lot

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