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    Help/Rose et Jack

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    Help/Rose et Jack
    Message de pauline9878 posté le 21-04-2016 à 20:11:47 (S | E | F)
    Bonsoir !
    Je suis en Terminale littéraire et en littérature anglaise nous devons présenter un couple "anormal", "étonnant" : "an odd couple". J'ai donc choisi de parler de celui de Rose et Jack, tiré du film Titanic (par James Cameron, 1997). Voici mon texte, pouvez-vous me corriger s'il vous plaît ?

    What is the story? It is the story of two young passengers of the Titanic’s liner. The first is Rose DeWitt Bukater, passenger in the first class who has committed a try of suicide to escape from the confines of her entourage. It is the second character, Jack Dawson who saved her. Jack is a tramp, in third class, who embarked in the Titanic to go back in the United States. Since the Rose’s try of suicide, they lived a beautiful love story blurred by the dreadful sinking.

    What makes them an odd couple? Rose and Jack are not in the same social class: they have different types of customs, of entourage, of education. Rose belongs to an aristocratic family and travel in the first class, the more luxurious, unlike Jack who travel in the poorest class: the third.

    What is the impact on culture? The couple show that love is more powerful than money. Whichever, the partner’s economic situation: money is material, love is sentimental. Here, love is more precious than money or social class.

    How interesting are they for me? I found interesting to study a couple where any partner cares about the other’s social situation. The difference is a wealth: they can share their personal vision of life, and grow up. I think this situation can exist in family or in friendship too.

    Why did I pick them in particular? I pick them in particular because I love Titanic, there exist a beautiful harmony in this couple and Cameron show an interesting side of a relationship.

    Je vous remercie d'avoir pris le temps de me lire et de votre aide.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2016 21:37

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais