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    Aide/ Oral (1)

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Aide/ Oral
    Message de eymma posté le 14-10-2015 à 15:54:40
    j'ai un oral d'anglais prévu . C'est en rapport avec un texte de Bill Bryson. J'ai fait mon oral, j'aimerais juste savoir s'il y a des fautes de grammaire, syntaxe ou autre pour que je puisse réussir au maximum mon oral. Je vous mets mon texte en anglais et ce que j'ai voulu dire en français.
    Merci de votre future aide.

    The narrator recounts his experience during his travel in Europe. He wants to write a book about it. His goal is to discover the variety of the Europe countries.
    He visits numerous locations throughout this continent. What he shows is that these countries are, by certain aspects, very similar and by others very different. He compares them to his previous visits. It is worth noticing that his story is only based on his personal observations. The narrator wants to underline the fact that the trip can be an exciting adventure when it comes to to discover new ways to live, that we visit the country or that we settle down there for a long time.

    Le narrateur raconte son expérience lors de son voyage en Europe. Il veut écrire un livre à ce sujet. Son objectif est de découvrir la variété des pays d'Europe.
    Il rend visite à de nombreux endroits à travers ce continent. Ce qu'il montre est que ces pays sont, par certains aspects, très similaires et par d'autres très différentes. Il les compare à ses précédentes visites. Il est intéressant de remarquer que son histoire est basée seulement sur ses observations personnelles. Le narrateur tient à souligner le fait que le voyage peut être une aventure passionnante quand il vient à découvrir de nouvelles façons de vivre, que nous visitons le pays ou que nous installons là-bas pendant une longue période.


    Modifié par lucile83 le 14-10-2015 23:25
    Traducteurs en ligne indésirables sur ce site!

    Réponse: Aide/ Oral de gerondif, postée le 14-10-2015 à 18:28:16
    voici votre texte comparé à la traduction qu'en fait google traduction puis reverso, pour voir si on peut s'en servir intelligemment..

    le vôtre: erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
    The narrator recounts his experience during his travel in Europe. He wants to write a book about it. His goal is to discover the variety of the Europe countries.
    He visits numerous locations throughout this continent. What he shows is that these countries are, by certain aspects, very similar and by others very different. He compares them to his previous visits. It is worth noticing that his story is only based on his personal observations. The narrator wants to underline the fact that the trip can be an exciting adventure when it comes to to discover new ways to live, that(que reprend quand en fait) we visit the country or that we settle down there for a long time.

    Google traduction:
    The narrator recounts his experiences during his trip to Europe. He wants to write a book about it. Its objective is to discover the variety of European countries.
    He visits many places across the continent. Is that it shows that these countries are in some respects, very similar and very different from other. He compares them to previous visits. It is interesting to note that his story is based only on his personal observations. The narrator wishes to emphasize that the journey can be an exciting adventure when it comes to discovering new ways of living,(manque un mot) we visit the country or (manque un mot)we install there for a long time.

    The narrator tells his experience(experiment) during his journey in Europe. He wants to write a book on this matter. His(her,its) objective is to discover the variety of the countries of Europe.
    He(It) visits numerous places through*** this continent. What he(it) shows is that these countries are, by certain aspects, very similar and by others very different. He(it) compares them with his(its) previous visits. It is interesting to notice that its history(story) is only based on its personal observations. The narrator is anxious to underline the fact that the journey can be a fascinating adventure when it comes to discover new manners to live, when(ah, il ne tombe pas dans le piège) we visit the country or when we install(settle) over there during a long period.

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