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Topic: “In what way may a book influence a person?”
Nowadays we can purchase any kind of books. For every taste there are school manuals for people in the need of enhancing their knowledge, novels where some are romantic or having the usual lifestyle story while others are completely fiction. In our lifetime, companies need to put more and more articles on the market, some can be useful whereas others are useless like the novels with boring stories. Customers should be more careful when they buy a book, especially novels with these fictional stories since manual contents are not a harm on their use. In a first part, I will show how wrong people can be influenced by that kind of book, theirs drawbacks on human personality. Then in a second part, we will see their benefits, what they may bring to someone.
On the one hand, we can say that books with fictional stories can be dangerous for the personality even if on the first sight it does not seem to be the case. The story could be very attractive, so interesting that you might get lost in it and thus being locked up with your mind in a world definitely apart from the reality. These situations happen mostly when the reader needs to focus on something out of the usual every day routine. For example, the famous novels of Twilight, The Lord of the Ring or even Harry Potter saga are known for containing a lot of action and fantasy which could fascinate the reader.
Then, once your mind is immersed in the story you should pay attention to make difference between the imaginary world and the real one, otherwise you could fall into insanity. We have just to see how crazy is going our world; it’s really going upside-down in the entire world. Since fast two weeks, the media and particularly the social networks spread the timeline with the disgusting clown stories in France where theses disguised pupils are no longer funny but are more preoccupied to scare the hell out of your skin in the street. The explanation for their strange behaviour is quite simple; they have seen too much horror movies and thought that perhaps they could reproduce what they saw because it was rather cool and fun without thinking about the damages they did.
Moreover, there is more dangerous kind of people than the type quoted above in the last sentence, like murderers and rapists who have also a weird way to think. For example, last month a young man thought it would be fun to kill his own sister; of course afterwards, he was thrown in front of the justice for his crime. Then there were similar stories like a man cutting off his wife’s head with an axe. These were others examples why people should really be conscious that there is a great difference between the fictional and real world, and we cannot do whatever we want like in our biggest dreams.
We just finished the first part about the drawbacks that books may bring. Let’s see in the second part the benefits we can get with the books.
On the order hand, in an educative view books can really help to make progress at school with the manuals which let people to learn alone with their own rhythm. For example, anyone have the possibilities to go to the supermarket or in a bookshop in order to purchase manuals such as one in maths or physics and so on.
In the same spirit, books with fictional story can really help to understand a language, how the mind should work like it’s different for each language. For example, I will point out my own experience, in which, I was fond of the Harry Potter books, maybe like a great part of my generation, and then I decided to purchase the English version even though I did not finish the collection for the meantime. It helped me to be more in an English environment.
Furthermore, the creativity can be developed with the book’s aid, where people can increase theirs inspirations from some articles. It let engineers created all the new technologies we used every day like the microwave, our laptops etc… and it will keep on going that way in the future. For example, we drove with horse centuries ago and today we use petrol or diesel engine, even hybrid’s in order to move in town. It will not be the last engine since they are studying for creating completely electrical cars.
In conclusion, we saw how bad fictional books could be dangerous for personalities, how it started by confining your mind in a world apart different from the reality which is only the beginning. Then if there so much damage done, it could distort your perception between what is real or fantasy. Finally it could lead you to act really wrong by making such actions like killing for fun which show how bad your mind is thinking because of this fictional story, movie or game. It’s the path leading to insecurity for people around you and to insanity for your mind. Anyways, we also see the benefits we can get through manual’s aid and where it led us today with the new technologies.
Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2014 12:39
Réponse: Aide /devoir de lucile83, postée le 02-11-2014 à 12:45:10 (S | E)

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