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    Oral/Idée de progrès

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Oral/Idée de progrès
    Message de mooon posté le 15-05-2014 à 19:05:48 (S | E | F)
    j'ai mon oral d'anglais demain et j'ai peur d'avoir fait des fautes. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît?.
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

    I – Introduction :
    This year we talked about the concept of exchange, where we discussed the American dream.
    In class we try to answer the question "The American dream is - it still possible"
    The symbol of freedom for immigrants arriving in America is the statue of liberty they saw in the distance.
    We worked with documents: a text entitled "Gateway to America" on Ellis island, drawing peter pismestrovic entitled "dreamland", a title chanson "I like to be in America”

    II – Development :
    •Document 1
    First we studied a text entitled «Gateway to America" on Ellis Island. Ellis Island is a symbol of New York City. It is a point of passage of all immigrants arriving in the United States. Over there a medical examination and administrative was performed on each immigrant, to see who could go on American soil.
    Today Ellis Island is the «National Museum of the History of Immigration in the United States «with exhibitions, archives and photographs that trace the history of immigration to the United States.

    My opinion: I think this text correctly explains the process of this place and the difficulty of the American dream.
    So if we return to the question " The American dream is - it still possible " we can see that it is difficult to access. Passing Ellis Island represented freedom for them , however life What awaited was not all the time that they were dreaming .

    •Document 2 :
    Second: We work on a song entitled "I like to be in America" by Leonard Benstein. We can see an opposition between boys and girls. Boys do not like their life in America, for example travails they find are: shoeshine and server. While the girls, love life in America because it finds such technology as the washing machine.
    So if we return to the question "The American dream is - it still possible" We can see that some people had to find the American dream as the girls in this song, and the other not as boys. We can see diversity in to American dream.

    III – Conclusion :
    So if we return to the question "The American dream is - it still possible" Immigrants come here because he had a dream: money, work .. However it remained utopian world.
    When Ellis Island was created america could regulate entered their territory, because too many immigrants arrived, as well as see their health, because Americans do not want sick
    Today, immigration is still important in the world

    Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2014 19:08

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais