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    Oral/ Myths and Heroes

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    Oral/ Myths and Heroes
    Message de prisc59 posté le 26-04-2014 à 15:24:24 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour ,
    je prépare mes fiches pour les oraux qui ont bientôt lieu et j'aurais voulu avoir un avis sur ma fiche Myths and Heroes que j'apprendrai par coeur vu mon niveau très bas en anglais ..
    Merci de votre aide.

    Mythes et Heroes ( Myths and Heroes )
    « The witches of Salem »
    « Evironmental Activists »
    «  Avengers » « Marvel »
    Introduction :

    I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and Heroes.
    First of all i would like to give a quick definition of that notion. A hero is someone who has done extraordinary things. It's a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. They can be fictional like Spyderman, Batman and others… But here we focus on heroes that we have studied in class

    We pose the following question;
    Are myths and heroes necessarily involve the superhero we know through MARVEL?

    We first discuss the document "Evironmental Activist" and we will continue on the myths as « Witches Salem » 

    For starters, the document "Environmental Activist " speaks of heroes who act without power and sometimes illegal way to protect nature . For we the word " hero " means, "costume " " super power " " helping people " etc.
    But here, there is not all that. They protect the nature of the pollution , holes in the ozone layer , and they also protect animals as slaughter of whailes and seals as well as experiments on laboratory animals. Their actions are based on manifestation , but also some personnes jump in nuclear power plants . The law considers their actions as intrusion , so they are named as criminals by some people. But other people say they are heroes because they risk their lives to nature. This situation raises a legal and moral problem.
    Then we talked a myth seen in class. "The Witches of Salem."
    This myth tells that three girls were suspected of being socières in the village of Salem. These three daughters, Abigail, Betty and Tiluba were just dancing and singing in the forest at night. This is the uncle of Abigail who surprised and who has suspected the first.
    As Salem is a small village where everyone knows everyone, this rumor was quickly répendu throughout the village. There has been accusations. They have therefore given names of witches. And it has caused executions. This myth is the source of many films like Hocus Pocus by Walt Disney and television series as "Charmed" or "The Secret Circle".

    To conclude, the myths do not necessarily talk about heroes. And heroes are not necessarily those disguised with great power, strong and beautiful. We have seen examples that shows us the opposite, and there's more! Such as Barack Obama is considered a hero for Americans today.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2014 15:30

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