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    Message de maxwell posté le 26-04-2014 à 10:28:27 (S | E | F)

    J'aurais une question très simple, voire élémentaire SVP s'il vous plaît :
    Est-il aussi correct grammaticalement de dire :
    "I did everything she ever asked me to." que de dire
    "I did everything she ever asked me to do."
    Les 2 sont-ils interchangeables ?
    Sinon, quelles sont les nuances, dans quel cas utilise-t-on chacune des 2 propositions ?
    Merci par avance pour vos réponses !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2014 12:38

    Réponse: Ask to/aide de lucile83, postée le 26-04-2014 à 12:46:21 (S | E)

    I did everything she ever asked me to.... est bizarre à mon avis
    I did everything she ever asked me to do.... est correct
    You ask someone something; you don't ask to someone.
    C'est pourquoi le 'to' en fin de phrase semble incongru.
    La préposition en fin de phrase est possible avec to want/like par exemple:
    Shall we go to the cinema? >> I'd like to, but I can't.

    Réponse: Ask to/aide de maxwell, postée le 26-04-2014 à 15:46:47 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup. Mais alors, si je comprends bien, peut-on dire aussi bien "I'll do what you want me to." que "I'll do what you want me to do." ?

    Réponse: Ask to/aide de lucile83, postée le 26-04-2014 à 16:03:36 (S | E)

    I'll do what you want me to... non
    I'll do what you want me to do....oui

    Réponse: Ask to/aide de traviskidd, postée le 27-04-2014 à 02:53:29 (S | E)

    Sorry but I have to respectfully disagree with Lucile.
    "I did everything she ever asked me to" is correct. "Do" at the end is optional but unnecessary, as it is implied by the main verb "did" and the fact that the direct object ("everything") is shared by both the main ("I did everything") and subordinate ("she asked me to ___ everything") clauses.
    "If you asked me to, I just might change my mind and let you in my life forever." (Céline Dion, "If You Asked Me To")
    See you.

    Modifié par traviskidd le 27-04-2014 02:56
    "I did everything she ever asked" is also acceptable.
    "I did everything she ever asked (of) me" is as well, but in this case "everything" becomes the object of "ask", rather than "to do", in the subordinate clause. (But the meaning remains essentially the same.)

    Réponse: Ask to/aide de lucile83, postée le 27-04-2014 à 09:13:19 (S | E)
    Hello traviskidd,

    I wrote: I did everything she ever asked me to.... est bizarre à mon avis,something is missing at the end of the sentence,in my opinion, as well as in I'll do what you want me to...
    If your references are songs, I guess you'll find thousands of strange grammatical examples.
    Yet, If you asked me to, I just might change my mind ... is correct.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais