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    Enquête policière/aide

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Enquête policière/aide
    Message de fortiche posté le 25-04-2014 à 11:26:00 (S | E | F)
    Je dois faire 2 rédactions sur une enquête policière. Une sur un dialogue: l'interrogatoire entre les enquêteurs et un témoin, l'autre sur un récapitulatif de l'enquête.
    Si vous aviez l'amabilité de corriger les erreurs, j'en serais ravi.

    Voici la première partie:
    Hello, Mrs. X! Take a sit", they shook hands. Lynley had a look at the report and frowned"So, you are the cyclist who found the corpses". The cyclist answer "Yes, Inspector”. Detective Lynley said “How did you find the corpses?” Mrs. X explains “I was doing my usual bike ride when I heard a dispute that came from a camp. I decided to stop and I saw a man screaming to a young woman. But then he turned and I left the camp left. I came back to see if everything was okay and I found two bodies on the floor.” After one minute, Lynley add “Can you describe the man?” She asks “Yes sure, he was very tall.” She is thoughtful “I think, he was 1m90. He wore a black suit and a hat. He was very elegant.” Lynley reply “Have you seen something which was weird” Mrs. X “Well,… No. Oh yes, the man was very worried, and anxious when he saw the other man”

    Je n'ai pas encore fini, cette partie.
    Merci pour tout.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2014 12:19

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais