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    Utiliser les bons temps

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    Utiliser les bons temps
    Message de aurorel65 posté le 10-02-2010 à 19:00:11 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour, alors j'ai un problème avec un exercice d'anglais pour l'accord des verbes au bon temps, voici un exercice que je dois rendre mais il y a certains verbes où je ne sais pas quel temps mettre .

    I was sitting in my office this other day when I have been told that someone wanted to see me. It was Harold Fortiss, an old friend of mine. When I asked him how he was, he told me a rather sad story. He told me that he ( have) to close down his business because of financial difficulties and that he was looking for a job. He added that if he (found) one quickly, he (be) in serious trouble He asked me whether I could do anything to help him ( found)something interesting. I (say) I (do) my best and asked him to give me a ring the following day.

    En rouge ce sont les verbes que j'ai conjugué mais je ne sais pas si c'est juste, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aiders'il vous plaît?
    Modifié par bridg le 10-02-2010 19:05

    Réponse: Utiliser les bons temps de brettdallen, postée le 15-02-2010 à 20:30:01 (S | E)

    I was sitting in my office this other day when I have been("have" est au présent! c'est du passif : "Be + P.Passé", de plus il s'agit d'un récit au passé, donc "Be" doit être au ...?) told that someone wanted to see me. It was Harold Fortiss, an old friend of mine. When I asked him how he was, he told me a rather sad story. He told me that he ( have(quel est le problème, "have" au passé) to close down his business because of financial difficulties and that he was looking for a job. He added that if he (foundle temps est correct, mais ici, la phrase est négative) one quickly, he (be(conditionnel : auxiliaire modal + BV, quel modal?) in serious trouble He asked me whether I could do anything to help him ( found(voir le fonctionnement du verbe suivant "help", ouvrez un dictionnaire à "help"))something interesting. I (say(au passé)) I (do(c'est du discours indirect, quelle serait l'énoncé au discours direct? revoyez vos cours) my best and asked him to give me a ring the following day.

    Bon travail!

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