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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En bas

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    Message de dewoitine24 posté le 06-01-2025 à 15:28:51 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous
    A quote of Shakespeare: Where does the white go when the snow melt?
    This would be several interpretations of this quote. The first interprétation is: in his poetry Shakespeare describes nature, weather and daily life. His works are crammed with seasonal imagery including those about winter and he tells you how he felt living drafty, cold and bitter. Shakespeare associates winter with negative feelings like discontent, but also he anticipates the coming summer’s delights.

    The second interpretation :If spring can take the snow away, can it melt away all of our mistakes? Spring officialy begins on 20th March, and with buds on the trees and lighter evenings come a new spirit of optimist. From Shakespeare to many poets have always been inspired by the season of new beginnings.
    The third interpretation: In Shakespeare ‘s play the weather sometime reflects conflict and confusion in a play’s political or social world.

    Which interpretation do you choose?

    Best regards

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux