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    Taking à gap year pour et contre

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Taking à gap year pour et contre
    Message de imssnaz90 posté le 26-11-2024 à 18:54:47 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour j'ai un texte à écrire pour mon cours de anglais sur le sujet pour et contre une année sabbatique j'ai déjà écris un texte et j'aimerais si une personne et forte en anglais ou si ell/il et anglophone peut m'aider a me corrigé au niveau gramticale et est ce que c'est compréhensible à lire et si c'est bien écris. Voici le texte

    A gap year is à period of pause in on's academic or professional career. Many people choose this option to discover this, travel, or try a new project etc. I will give my opinion on this a topic.

    To begin, i am both for and againts gap years . I am in favor because it allows you to discover thé World,take à break,explore New expériences ; challenge yourself , do many activities , and finally complete your project.

    Then, even thought taking à gap year can be beneficial , it also has drawbacks. Indeed à gap year can slow Down studies, lead to à lack of motivation for work or school, waste time, and in volve significant financial coûts,especially for travel.

    In conclusion, a gap year can offer many experiences and memories. However, it carries risks such as wasting time or spending a lot of money. Good preparation is important to make the most of it.

    Merci pour votre compréhension et de votre aide .

    Bonne soirée

    Réponse : Taking à gap year pour et contre de mathilde17, postée le 26-11-2024 à 22:21:07 (S | E)
    Je suis portugaise, mais j'ai appris à parler et à écrire en anglais à l'école et dans des cours d'anglais courant, et j'ai donc décidé d'analyser votre texte. Je sais en peux de français, donc pardon pour des erreurs dans cette message.

    Votre text:

    A gap year is à period of pause in on's academic or professional career. Many people choose this option to discover this, travel, or try a new project etc. I will give my opinion on this a topic.

    To begin, i am both for and againts gap years . I am in favor because it allows you to discover thé World,take à break,explore New expériences ; challenge yourself , do many activities , and finally complete your project.

    Then, even thought taking à gap year can be beneficial , it also has drawbacks. Indeed à gap year can slow Down studies, lead to à lack of motivation for work or school, waste time, and in volve significant financial coûts,especially for travel.

    In conclusion, a gap year can offer many experiences and memories. However, it carries risks such as wasting time or spending a lot of money. Good preparation is important to make the most of it.

    Votre text avec ma correction:

    A gap year is a period of pause in one's academic or professional career. Many people choose this option to discover themselves, travel, or try a new project, etc. I will give my opinion on this topic.

    To begin, I am both for and against gap years. I am in favor because it allows you to discover the world, take a break, explore new experiences, challenge yourself, do many activities, and finally complete your projects.

    However, even though taking a gap year can be beneficial, it also has drawbacks. Indeed, a gap year can slow down studies, lead to a lack of motivation for work or school, waste time, and involve significant financial costs, especially for travel.

    In conclusion, a gap year can offer many experiences and memories. However, it carries risks such as wasting time or spending a lot of money. A good preparation is important to make the most of it.

    How I would write it:

    A gap year is a break from one's studies or career. Many people use this time to find themselves, travel, or start a new project. I will share my thoughts on this topic.

    Firstly, I have mixed feelings about gap years. On one hand, they allow you to see the world, relax, try new things, challenge yourself, do many activities, and finish personal projects.

    On the other hand, gap years can also have downsides. They might slow down your studies, cause you to lose motivation for work or school, waste time, and cost a lot of money, especially for travel.

    In summary, while a gap year can bring many experiences and memories, it also has risks such as wasting time or spending a lot of money. Good planning is essential to get the most out of it.

    Ton travail était vraiment bon!
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    Bonnes études et bonne nuit.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais