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    Notion/Mythes et Héros

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    Notion/Mythes et Héros
    Message de paiin posté le 24-04-2019 à 16:41:09 (S | E | F)
    Je suis actuellement en Terminale et j'aurais besoin de votre aide concernant ma synthèse sur le thème de mythes et héros.
    J'aimerais savoir si la synthèse est bonne, si elle comporte des fautes ...etc
    Je vous remercie !

    More often than not, the myth is confused with the legend, but it is distinguished from the latter by the fact that it is based on imaginary facts, while the legend is based on some real and historical facts.
    The term myth is often used to refer to a belief that is obviously wrong at first glance, but which may relate to concrete elements expressed in a symbolic way.
    It usually hinges around great and brave heroes or monsters, and its goal is to bind the nation together, like the myth of King Arthur.

    The notion of "Hero" can fall into two categories. On the one hand, there are imaginary heroes endowed with superpowers and who are in charge of saving the planet and the people in danger, like Superman. On the other hand, there are real people who can have a role to play to change the world's history.

    Myths and heroes are therefore closely linked since heroes very often appear in myths.
    Into the example of soldiers, how the use of myths can make a normal person heroic. In other words, we shall see what the link between myth and hero is.

    We will see through the myth of the hero soldier and the poster of the movie Tigerland how a character can, by differentiating himself from others become a symbol, then then the difference between reality and fiction by studying the opening scene of the "Saving Private Ryan".
    Life as a soldier is known to all: a constant danger of death, terrible living conditions and constant fear. During a war, soldiers are all reduced to the same level: indeed, when faced with weapons and artillery, no soldier has a better chance of getting out of it than another.
    However, by showing fighting spirit and courage, some soldiers were able to mark their feats, becoming true heroes. Thus was born the myth of the hero soldier, the only one leading his country to victory.

    The Tigerland Poster emphasizes this notion: indeed, all the soldiers present are wearing military equipment, and look down, while the character in the middle of the poster has no helmet and looks in front of him. He is different from others; he has a glimmer of hope and wants to move forward. He is represented as the hero of the film, leading his nation to victory. This poster therefore highlights the strength of a single soldier, a human soldier who does not possess supernatural powers, but who is capable of becoming a hero.

    However, there is a difference between reality and fiction. Thus, war seems too "humanized" while it is sometimes simply murderous.

    In the opening scene of the film "Saving Private Ryan", we notice that all soldiers die under enemy bullets. In reality, the majority of people have been shredded by bombs or shells or died of dehydration.
    In addition, according to a study conducted by the United States, most soldiers did not fire at enemies unless they were paid.
    To make the scene more humane, and to show that soldiers are heroes proudly protecting their homeland, we therefore have a mythical use, showing the enemy firing without hesitation on the soldiers, with the sound of artillery as background noise but not as the main cause of death, thus making soldiers more heroic and ready for anything for their country.

    The use of myths in these different films gives ordinary soldiers a heroic dimension, putting them in the rank of symbols. The myth is therefore linked to the hero by the fact that it allows him, through fascinating actions, to be placed in such a position.

    Personally, the fact that the hero is represented as the only leader to victory is a misguided vision. Indeed, victory is due to each soldier killed in the war, and not to the action of a single person.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2019 21:41

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de laure95, postée le 24-04-2019 à 17:11:26 (S | E)
    -More often than not: mal dit.
    - the (pas de the)people in danger, like Superman.
    - Into the example of soldiers (mal dit) how the use of myths can make a normal person heroic: c'est une affirmation, une question?

    L'introduction est trop longue!

    - (article) Life as a soldier is known to all (pas le bon mot)
    - and look down: présent en be+-ing.
    - and looks in front of him: present be +-ing
    - He is different from (article)others;

    - without (any) hesitation on the soldiers,
    - (article)background noise but not as the main cause of death


    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de paiin, postée le 24-04-2019 à 17:48:36 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup vous m'êtes d'une très grande aide !
    Pour l'introduction, je ne vois pas quoi enlever:
    Il y a les définitions du sujet, la problématique et l'annonce du plan. Qu'est ce que je dois retirer ?
    Pour la conclusion, ce sont les 2 derniers paragraphes, est ce que c'est bon ?

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de gerold, postée le 25-04-2019 à 13:37:28 (S | E)
    Bonjour paiin

    ... In addition, according to a study conducted by the United States, most soldiers did not fire at enemies unless they were paid ... à moins d'être payés, vous en êtes sûr ? Cela me semble bizarre.

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de lucile83, postée le 25-04-2019 à 13:56:10 (S | E)
    Eh non,pas bizarre, c'est une étude faite par l'Armée américaine elle-même. Voici le résumé:
    "La majorité des personnes engagées dans ces conflits ne voulait pas tirer sur l’ennemi. C’est d’ailleurs l’armée américaine qui, au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a mené une étude sur le nombre d’hommes qui seraient capables de tirer volontairement sur son ennemi. Et les résultats ont montré que seulement 15 à 20% des hommes le feraient. Le reste le ferait uniquement s’ils étaient payés."
    Lien internet

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de gerold, postée le 25-04-2019 à 14:38:32 (S | E)
    Bonjour Lucile
    Je dois admettre que c'est vrai, mais c'est quand même surprenant.

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de lucile83, postée le 25-04-2019 à 16:01:09 (S | E)
    Yes but remember ...Business is business!

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de bluestar, postée le 25-04-2019 à 17:07:04 (S | E)
    Reminds me of the time of the British/French invasion of Suez in 1956..Omar Sharif, then in the Egyptian army, was ordered to shoot at the enemy soldiers but refused, explaining, "If I do that, they'll fire back at me!"

    Réponse : Notion/Mythes et Héros de paiin, postée le 26-04-2019 à 14:39:20 (S | E)
    Cela peut paraître étonnant en effet, mais cela montre que nous sommes humains avant d'être des machines de guerre ! (du moins pour certains...)

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