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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #8349

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    Dialogue : Introducing one's family.

    erratum : lire "parle-moi" et "belle-famille".

    Reconsitute the dialogue / reconstituez le dialogue.

    Texte de babyscot59

    Bande-son version française.

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    French exercise "Dialogue : Introducing one's family." created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    Click on words to build sentences. Click on boxes to start again.

    1.Tell me about your family, do you have brothers and sisters

    2.I have two brothers and a younger sister.

    3. first brother, marc, married last year and his wife is pregnant.

    4. My second brother, Olivier, is working for one year in Malaysia.

    5. My sister Anne, is still at Junior School.

    6. What a big family. Personally, I am a single child. What about your parents ?

    My father's an architect and my mother is a volunteer in a charitable association.

    8. My grandmother is living at home since my Grandfather died.

    9. My parents divorced 3 years ago.

    10. I am now living with my mother who married a man.

    11. I live with my step-family : Sinead is my step-sister.

    12. I visit my father twice a month and we spend Summer holidays together.

    13. I am studying to become an Engineer in Aeronautics.

    14. I'll soon make a practice in Toulouse. What about you ?

    15. I would like to teach English abroad.

    16. I am considering settling in France if I can.

    End of the free exercise to learn French: Dialogue : Introducing one's family.
    A free French exercise to learn French.
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