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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #8165

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    Dialogue : Going to court of law.

    Dialogue de babyscot59

    Reconstitute this dialogue

    Reconstituer ce dialogue.

    bande-son version française

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    French exercise "Dialogue : Going to court of law." created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    Click on words to build sentences. Click on boxes to start again.

    1.My son committed a robbery; .

    2.He will be subpoenaed in the week.

    3.I must get a lawyer

    4.All right, is he guilty or has he got an alibi ?

    5.He hasn't got any. He was caught red-handed.

    6.He was arrested by the police then ?

    7.An eye-witness called the police that eventually arrested him.

    8.We should plead guilty and ask for the jury's leniency.

    9.Has he got mitigating circumstances ?

    10.I think he just got mad.

    11.His police record's empty.

    12.I think he will be condemned to community services.

    13.In the worst case, he will have a suspended sentence, don't worry !

    End of the free exercise to learn French: Dialogue : Going to court of law.
    A free French exercise to learn French.
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