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Feminine nouns - French lesson
Generally we add an 'e' to a masculine noun in order to obtain the feminine.
Particular cases :
The nouns ending by -er get their feminine in -ère
Le boucher => la bouchère
Some nouns ending consonant have to be double before the –e
Le chat => la chatte
Some nouns ending by -e- get their feminine in -esse
Un maître => une maîtresse
The nouns ending by -eur get a variable feminine
-euse ==> le vendeur => la vendeuse
-trice ==> un directeur => une directrice
-esse ==> un docteur => une doctoresse
Some nouns ending by -if get their feminine in -ive
Un sportif => une sportive
Some professional nouns don't take a feminine form
Un peintre => une femme peintre
Even if the noun of generic animals' races is feminine, it keeps its genre; you need to specify if it's a male or a female one.
Une belette mâle => une belette femelle
You'll find several other irregular plurals but step by step you learn them by practicing the language as for example:
=> Un agneau / une agnelle
=>Un héros/ une héroïne
=> Un loup / une louve ...
Some feminine nouns completely change from the masculine form as for example:
=> Un cheval/une jument
=> Un mari / une femme
=> Un parrain / une marraine
=> Une vache / un taureau...

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