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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #126589

    > Other French exercises on the same topics: Speaking | Beginners | Introducing someone [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulaire grands débutants-Test de niveau - French level tests audio A1 - Linking words - To be polite - Describing oneself-FLE - Describing a picture : Méthodology - Clothes and fashion - Eating out-Vocabulary
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    Introducing oneself - French lesson


    To make acquaintance.



    Hi, my name's  Peter 
    Hi, I am Peter.

    Hello,  I am Nelly. What is your name ?
    Hello, I am Nelly. Who are you ? 

     To talk about your age.

    How old are you? 




    I am ten 
    I am ten
     years old.

     To talk about your country, your city.


    I am from Paris, I am French. 
    I come from Paris, I am French.

    and you?

    Where are you from?
    Where do you come from ? 

    I am English, I am from London.
    I am English, I come from London.

     To introduce your family. 

    This is my father.

    I have got an elder brother

     This is my mother.





    I have got three younger brothers.

     To say good bye.

    It was nice meeting you.
    I hope we will become friends.
    See you later.






    Thank you.
    Bye bye!


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    French exercise "Introducing oneself" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    1. Qui est Pierre ? .

    2. Quel âge a-t-il ? .

    3. Quel âge a Nelly ? .

    4. D'où vient Pierre ? .

    5. Nelly est et vit à Lyon.

    6. Pierre a un frère plus jeune que lui.

    7. Comment s'appelle-t-il ?

    8. Nelly a frères plus jeunes qu'elle.

    9. Où est la maman de Pierre ? .

    10. Que promet Nelly en quittant Pierre ? .

    End of the free exercise to learn French: Introducing oneself
    A free French exercise to learn French.
    Other French exercises on the same topics : Speaking | Beginners | Introducing someone | All our lessons and exercises