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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #11743

    > Other French exercises on the same topics: Find the word | Introducing someone [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - To be polite - Introducing oneself - TLF : Introduce yourself - FLE: Identity card-vocabulary - FLE : Who is..? - FLE-Adjectifs contraires-Se décrire - FLE-Se présenter - FLE-Présenter quelqu'un
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    Good / bad mood - French lesson

    Trouvez la bonne réponse. / Find the good answer.

    Bande-son en français (ordre différent du test).

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    French exercise "Good / bad mood" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    26 answers are available. Please use the small bar on the right of the answers to see all of them.

    1. proud

    2. light-hearted

    3. dazed

    4. happy

    5. pleased

    6. teasing

    7. dubious

    8. thoughtful

    9. dumbstruck

    10. ill-tempered

    11. unhappy

    12. angry

    13. sad

    14. sheepish

    15. dashed

    16. be weeping

    17. scared

    18. talkative

    19. silent

    20. inquisitive

    21. attentive

    22. calm

    23. well-behaved

    24. helpful

    25. over-booked

    26. in a hurry

    End of the free exercise to learn French: Good / bad mood
    A free French exercise to learn French.
    Other French exercises on the same topics : Find the word | Introducing someone | All our lessons and exercises