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    Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #112262

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    Si ou oui - French lesson



     In french we can answer a question by 'yes' or 'no'. We don't have 'Yes I do' or 'no I don't'.

    But an answer to a negative question can be ambiguous.

    For example: I don't like chocolate and somebody asks me 'do you like chocolate ?' I will answer "non" (No, I don't)

    And if he asks me 'don't you like chocolate ?' I will answer 'non' also (No, I don't)

    But if I like chocolate and somebody ask 'do you like chocolate ?' I will answer 'oui' (yes, I do)

     And if he asks 'don't you like chocolate ?' I will answer 'si' (Yes, I do)

     If I just say 'oui' (yes, I do) it means 'you're right, I don't like chocolate'.


    Choose the correct answer : + means 'yes, I do', - means 'No, I don't'



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    French exercise "Si ou oui" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Tu as des enfants ? (+)

    2. Tu n'as pas d'enfants (+)

    3. Voulez-vous du sucre ? (-)

    4. Vous ne voulez pas de sucre ? (-)

    5. Vous ne voulez pas de sucre ? (+)

    6. Tu n'aimes pas le café ? (+)

    7. Vous avez des enfants ? (-)

    8. Vous ne voulez pas d'enfants ? (+)

    9. Voulez-vous un biscuit ? (-)

    10. Vous n'aimez pas les biscuits ? (+)

    End of the free exercise to learn French: Si ou oui
    A free French exercise to learn French.
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