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> Similar tests: - Articles - De or Des + noun+adjective - French articles - Articles contractés (les) - Déterminants : les articles. - Article définite, indéfinite or partitive - FLE-De ou Du ? (articles partitifs) - Articles partitifs | |
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Articles - French lesson
-->A description/A defining feature follows the preposition 'DE' Example: Un livre d'histoire - Answers the question.. 'What kind of book?' - 'History book' Un jus d'orange - Answers the question.. 'What juice' - 'orange juice' -->A Possession uses the preposition 'Du/De la/De l'/Des'. Example: Le livre de l'étudiant- Answers the question.. 'Whose book' whereas - le livre d'étudiant- Answers the question... 'What book?' -'Student book' (A book aimed at students.) Note : For proper nouns, we just use 'de or d' '. Example: 'La voiture de Katie.' - ' La voiture d'Isabelle.' -->Quantities: 1)These take only 'De' when its Unspecific. Example: Beaucoup d'argent - A lot of money, Une tasse de thé - A cup of tea 'Beaucoup' and 'tasse' are measures. 2) The specific ones take 'Du,De la,De l',Des' Example: Beaucoup des gâteaux que tu as mangés, étaient préparés par moi - Lot of the cakes(Most of the cakes) that you ate, were prepared by me we say 'Beaucoup des gâteaux' because 'des gâteaux' represents the certain cakes prepared by a certain person. -->before adjectives: When describing unspecific nouns use 'De or Des' Ex: After adjectives describing specific nouns use 'Du,De la,De l',Des' On veut profiter des nouveaux accords - We want to take advantage of the new agreements (New agreements describes a set of specific agreements) |

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