Find a penpal > traviskidd : Please log in to contact this member.Gold MemberRegistration date: Tuesday 27 July 2004 at 06:56GENDER: male (52 years old)Country: USA Other members are allowed to contact me.About me: Hello, my name is Travis, and I'm from South Carolina, one of the United States. I like helping French-speakers learn English. My ability to read and write in French is already not bad, but I am always looking to perfect it. Speaking and listening are another matter, however. Unfortunately I no longer have time for new private correspondents. If you like, you may send me a private message, but please understand that I will probably not respond to it unless you are someone that I am already corresponding with. That said, I still love to meet new people. I spend most of my time on the site participating in the forums, and I hope to see you there. And as always you may message me privately with any specific question you may have about English. My main language(s): English I'm learning: French ➡️ FORUM : The topics I've created My replies ➡️ LESSONS AND TESTS: My tests & my lessons