Find a penpal > meije : Please log in to contact this member.Registration date: Thursday 09 July 2009 at 22:05GENDER: female (58 years old)Country: France Department: Hautes-Alpes (05)Other members are allowed to contact me.About me: MEMENTO MORI .... CARPE DIEM Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers.- Paul Willstone - Persigue tus sueñosy siempre cree en ti mismo.Mantén tus ojos en las estrellas y la esperanza en tu corazón. Al citar a los demás, nos citamos a nosotros.-Julio Cortázar-My main language(s): French I'm learning: English German Spanish ➡️ FORUM : The topics I've created My replies ➡️ LESSONS AND TESTS: My tests & my lessons