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    Free site to learn French

    Welcome to our free site to learn French... and much more!
    100% free. No problem. 4 million accounts created - 1 account for all our sites.

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    It will be given to you on the next page. It starts with 'club'.
    Your password:
    12-25 characters (letters, numbers, special characters).
    Your password must be different from your username.

    Please enter your password again:

    Please enter the code ce947 (2 letters, 3 numbers) in the box on the right: ce947 -> *
    Please tick the boxes below:
    I understand that my account will be a LIMITED account, I will not be able to contact other users (messages, forum, chat rooms...). I will only be able to take tests and get marks.
    I agree to be bound by the [Terms of service] . 1 account per user.
    I agree to be bound by the [Privacy Policy]
    If I can't remember my username or my password, my account will be lost. I will NOT be able to recover my account.

    Your username will be given on the next page. Please write it down or save it into your browser.

    * Compulsory fields