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Tâches ménagères - Lexique
>> faire le ménage | > to do the housework |
>> faire la cuisine | > to cook |
>> préparer un repas | > to prepare a meal |
>> faire la vaisselle | > to do the washing-up (the dish-am) |
>> nettoyer | > to clean |
>> balayer | > to sweep |
>> épousseter | > to dust |
>> passer l'aspirateur | > to vaccum |
>> laver | > to wash |
>> rincer | > to rinse |
>> sécher / essuyer | > to dry |
>> jeter | > to throw away / out |
>> ranger | > to tidy (up) |
>> ranger sa chambre | > to tidy (up) one's room |
>> ranger ses affaires | > to put away one's things |
>> faire son lit | > to make one's bed |
>> repasser | > to iron |
>> coudre | > to stitch / to sew |
>> repriser | > to darn |
>> raccommoder | > to mend |
>> mettre le couvert | > to set the table |
>> débarrasser la table | > to clear the table |
>> préparer | > to prepare |
>> couper | > to cut |
>> couper en tranche | > to slice |
>> râper | > to grate |
>> éplucher | > to peel |
>> faire bouillir | > to boil |
>> faire frire | > to fry |
>> faire rôtir | > to roast |
>> s'occuper de | > to look after |
>> ménagère | > housewife |
>> femme de ménage | > cleaner |
>> aide ménagère | > home help |
>> une bonne | > a maid |

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