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Compound past - French lesson
The 'passé composé'
The 'passé composé' is mainly used in oral language.
It is composed of the present tense of the auxiliary être or avoir in the 1st part
and of the past participle in the second part.
The past participle always ends in -é, or -i, or -u, -t or -s
but never in «-ut» !
Hier je suis allé au restaurant, j'ai mangé une paëlla.
Il a chanté une chanson.
Elle a suivi son intuition.
Vous avez bu tout le jus de fruits.
Nous avons écrit les consignes au tableau.
Il a mis le chat dans son panier.
When you can hear the sound i, there's generally no 's' (except in «pris» and «mis»).
To know the ending of the past participle, just turn it into the feminine form.
Il a écrit -> Sa lettre, il l'a écrite
Most of the time, the auxiliary used is the verb 'avoir', sometimes, it's the verb 'être'.
The auxiliary 'être' is used when the verb refers to ideas of motion.
In this case, the past participle must agree with the subject.
Here is a series of commonly used verbs conjugated in the 'passé composé' form»:
Danser (1rst gr) |
| |
J'ai dansé |
| |
Avoir(auxiliary) | Etre (auxiliary) | Aller (irregular) |
J' ai eu | J'ai été | Je suis allé (e) |
Prendre (3rd gr) | Mettre (3rd gr) | Grandir (2nd gr) |
J'ai pris | J'ai mis | J'ai grandi |
Dire (3rd gr) | Peindre (3rd gr) | Faire (3rd gr) |
J'ai dit | J'ai peint | J'ai fait |
Pouvoir (3rd gr) | Savoir(3rd gr) | Voir (3rd gr) |
J'ai pu | J'ai su | J'ai vu |
Put the verbs into the 'passé composé' in the following sentences.

French exercise "Compound past" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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