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Prépositions à ou de
The membership relation with 'à' ou 'de'
The membership showing the existing relation between a name or a nominal group and a person or object's name is introduced by 'de' (or its derivatives 'de la' 'du' or 'des').
La voiture de mon mari,
La voiture de Pierre,
La voiture de la police municipale,
The membership showing the existing relation between a name or a nominal group and a personal pronoun is introduced by. 'à'
Un ami à moi,
Sa façon à elle,
Pay attention, when the pronoun isn't a personal pronoun, the relation is with 'de' in singular and plural.
Be careful, there are some exceptions in certain locutions you'd better know:
Fils à papa
Bête à bon dieu,
Barbe à papa…
Besides, you should not amalgamate a relation of membership and a verbal form of membership
Appartenir à
Être à
Se fiancer à,
noun + noun | noun + personal pronoun | Exceptions |
de Or its derivatives de la, du, des
le devoir de Sophie | à
son devoir à elle
Careful ! de with the pronouns but not personal .pronouns | locutions : fils à papa, bête à bon dieu, barbe à papa Careful ! Don't amalgamate a relation of membership and a verbal form of membership: appartenir à Sophie être à elle
Write 'de', 'de la', 'du' or'à'.

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