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Past participle epithet ending with 'i'or verb;
In order to differentiate an epithet past participle ending in 'i' and a verb ending in 'it' you just need to think of the imperfect form to recognize the verb:
If it's a verb :
L'ouvrier démolit le mur => l'ouvrier démolissait le mur
If it's an epithet past participle ending in 'i'
Le jouet démoli est par terre => la poupée démolie est par terre
(Of course, you have to make the past participle agree with a plural subject (is) or (ies))
Notice: The epithet past participle has the role of a qualifying adjective.

French exercise "Past participle epithet ending with 'i'or verb;" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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