> Other French exercises on the same topics: Speaking | Food [Change theme] | |
> Similar tests: - Vocabulaire grands débutants-Test de niveau - French level tests audio A1 - Linking words - To be polite - Describing a picture : Méthodology - Describing oneself-FLE - Clothes and fashion - Test de niveau : Verbes d'action | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
Eating out - Vocabulary
Au restaurant / Eating out
Si on sortait!
What about a restaurant? Si on allait au restaurant?
What about eating out? Ça te dirait d'aller manger en ville?
Arriving at the restaurant / Arriver au restaurant:
The waiter | The waitress | The head waiter |
Le garçon – Le serveur | La serveuse | Le maître d'hôtel |
| Hello, (do you have) a table for two, please? Bonjour, (avez-vous) une table pour deux, s'il vous plaît? |
| Sure! To have a drink or to eat? |
Can we get a table for lunch? | We'll have a table free in just a few minutes. | ||
Are you still serving lunch? | Yes of course. Would you follow me please. Oui, bien sûr. Si vous voulez bien me suivre. | ||
We would like to eat if that's possible. Nous voudrions manger si c'est possible. | Do you have a reservation? |