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Exercise "FLE - Présent - Quand l'utiliser?", created by bridg (a free exercise to learn French):
Results of the 256 305 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 85 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): ouiddir / FRANCE, on Saturday 23 November - 16:39:
"c'est un bon exercice pour progresser en français "
They got a perfect mark
Stats (236052 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 87.7 %
Je chante. *
Question 2 passed: 78.1 %
La lune brille la nuit. *
Question 3 passed: 69.2 %
Le matin, je me lève à 7h. *
Question 4 passed: 90 %
Je vais au cinéma ce soir. *
Question 5 passed: 83.8 %
Je mange une carotte. *
Question 6 passed: 90.8 %
Papa revient demain. *
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