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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests Maths tests Dutch tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (149 tests)
    Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Possessive adjectives and pronouns (118726 candidates) 25 candidates today
    2. Modal verbs (5705 candidates) 22 candidates today
    3. Past simple (39088 candidates) 7 candidates today
    4. Past simple or present perfect (53125 candidates) 6 candidates today
    5. Passive voice and tenses (27459 candidates) 6 candidates today
    6. Pronouns (110136 candidates) 6 candidates today
    7. Questions words (2647 candidates) 5 candidates today
    8. Past participle (40795 candidates) 5 candidates today
    9. For,since,ago (31730 candidates) 5 candidates today
    10. Pronouns (32218 candidates) 4 candidates today
    11. Infinitive or gerund (24333 candidates) 4 candidates today
    12. Comparatives (39421 candidates) 4 candidates today
    13. Indefinite pronouns (13920 candidates) 4 candidates today
    14. Hundred, thousand, million (86521 candidates) 3 candidates today
    15. Present simple or continuous (5130 candidates) 2 candidates today
    16. 's = has,is or genitive? (19175 candidates) 2 candidates today
    17. Pronouns (10610 candidates) 2 candidates today
    18. Active or passive voice (69922 candidates) 2 candidates today
    19. For, During or While (2307 candidates) 1 candidate today
    20. Still/again etc... (1707 candidates) 1 candidate today

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