Ranked by candidates (yesterday) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Adjektive (459 candidates) 5 candidates yesterday / 29 views yesterday
2. Dir / Dich, Du / Mich (241 candidates) 4 candidates yesterday / 14 views yesterday
3. Kleine Übung mit Präpositionen (228 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 15 views yesterday
4. Prefix ver- (44 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 23 views yesterday
5. Weil, denn, deshalb (257 candidates) 1 candidate yesterday / 24 views yesterday
6. Relative clauses (226 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 3 views yesterday
7. Feelings (319 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday
8. Body (281 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 3 views yesterday
9. Phrasal verbs with nehmen (4 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 3 views yesterday [Waiting for approval] 23-09-2024
10. Find the intruder! (34 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 13 views yesterday
11. Infinitivsätze (3 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 2 views yesterday [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024
12. Verneinung (9 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024
13. Subjekt-und Objektsätze (2 candidates) 0 candidate yesterday / 1 view yesterday [Waiting for approval] 03-10-2024
14. Les nombres en minuscule ou majuscule (0 candidate) 0 candidate yesterday / 0 view yesterday [Waiting for approval] 21-11-2024