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    tests by mariebru with the online test builder (1938 tests)
    Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Placement test (92053 candidates)
    2. Numbers 1 to 10 (53704 candidates)
    3. House (51725 candidates)
    4. Family (46748 candidates)
    5. Clothes (43464 candidates)
    6. Transports (41765 candidates)
    7. What do I know? 2 (41050 candidates)
    8. Living room (38866 candidates)
    9. Human body (35302 candidates)
    10. Days of the week (34933 candidates)
    11. Kitchen (34229 candidates)
    12. Jobs (33455 candidates)
    13. Colours (32562 candidates)
    14. Bathroom (24302 candidates)
    15. Fruits (21919 candidates)
    16. House (21694 candidates)
    17. Weather (20946 candidates)
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    19. Vegetables (17430 candidates)
    20. Sports (16440 candidates)

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