These tests : AllFind this word: (ONE word in the title) tests by flori10 with the online test builder (37 tests) Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval | 1. Adjectives and adverbs (771 candidates) 2. Past modals with deduction (505 candidates) 3. A monument for a fish (413 candidates) 4. Letter or latter (301 candidates) 5. Instead of, unlike or whereas (989 candidates) 6. Stop to do sth or stop doing sth (946 candidates) 7. Word order: Verbs and objects go together (913 candidates) 8. Above or over (902 candidates) 9. Let alone (640 candidates) 10. Make sb do sth or have something done (620 candidates) 11. Go on - regret to do sth - doing sth (579 candidates) 12. Emphasis with It is/It was .... + relative clause (529 candidates) 13. Dismissive, defiant, brazen (528 candidates) 14. Phrasal verbs... back and away (522 candidates) 15. All together or altogether (519 candidates) 16. Phrasal verbs with Up (517 candidates) 17. All of which, whom, none of which, etc. (516 candidates) 18. Remember to do sth / Remember doing sth (511 candidates) 19. Definitive, indefinite or no article (505 candidates) 20. Phrasal verbs with Up and Down (460 candidates) 1 | 2 | Next >> |