Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Vocabulary - The lunch (3853 candidates)
2. Maths (17288 candidates)
3. Vocabulary - School stuff (17076 candidates)
4. In the classroom (5533 candidates)
5. Vocabulary - The breakfast (4943 candidates)
6. Vocabulary - Zodiac (682 candidates)
7. Conjunctions : nachdem, während, bevor (14134 candidates)
8. Conjunctions : als, ob, wenn (11312 candidates)
9. Complete : Family (6791 candidates)
10. Introducing a text (3964 candidates)
11. Declension : Epithet adjectives (2738 candidates)
12. Dialogue : At the hotel (2614 candidates)
13. Relative pronouns (2416 candidates)
14. Geography : German's neighbours (2194 candidates)
15. Dialogue : At the restaurant (2114 candidates)
16. Vocabulary - The head (2006 candidates)
17. Restaurant - vocabulary (1430 candidates)
18. Vocabulary - Setting the table (1308 candidates)
19. Desorder : At the restaurant (1119 candidates)
20. Declension : Pancake recipe (1038 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Next >> |