Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Adjectives and indefinite pronouns (10364 candidates)
2. Adverbs (2207 candidates)
3. Estate agents : Vocabulary (1630 candidates)
4. Plane (3143 candidates)
5. Durante/ mentre (5807 candidates)
6. Asking questions (4932 candidates)
7. Being polite (2187 candidates)
8. Comparing (1044 candidates)
9. Conditional (10752 candidates)
10. Conditional (16523 candidates)
11. Conjunctions: e, ed, anche... (4317 candidates)
12. Tenses (1466 candidates)
13. Tenses (7335 candidates)
14. Sequence of tenses (8031 candidates)
15. Three tenses (1942 candidates)
16. Sequence of tenses (496 candidates)
17. Conoscere -Sapere (8628 candidates)
18. Dictation : New year (1033 candidates)
19. Dictation : Santo Natale voglio (812 candidates)
20. Cui (2471 candidates)
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