Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Assure / ensure / insure (4279 candidates)
2. Say, Speak or Tell (12998 candidates)
3. Compound words with some,any,no (11606 candidates)
4. Connectives (4123 candidates)
5. Could, should and would (40805 candidates)
6. Direct/Reported Speech (15032 candidates)
7. Do or Make (7990 candidates)
8. Express quantities (3300 candidates)
9. Gerund or infinitive (8066 candidates)
10. Good or Well (2471 candidates)
11. Prepositions and conjunctions (3834 candidates)
12. Personal pronouns (25917 candidates)
13. Relative pronouns (5533 candidates)
14. Agreement tags (5395 candidates)
15. Subordinating conjunctions (8803 candidates)
16. Various tenses in the present (4127 candidates)
17. Their, there or they're (1198 candidates)
18. To / in order to / so as to / so that (210367 candidates)
19. Phrasal verbs (1875 candidates)
20. Modal verbs (12380 candidates)
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