Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Gerunds (9514 candidates) (moyenne = 15.3)
2. Agreement of subject and verb (31272 candidates) (moyenne = 12.7)
3. Weather and the Environment (3125 candidates) (moyenne = 12.2)
4. Comparative and superlative (3102 candidates) (moyenne = 11.7)
5. Opposites by adding prefixes (5707 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
6. Irregular plurals (2207 candidates) (moyenne = 10)
7. Conditional (22243 candidates) (moyenne = 9.2)
8. Question Tags (1606 candidates) (moyenne = 9.2)
9. Formation of adjectives (9859 candidates) (moyenne = 7.8)
10. Formation of verbs (5001 candidates) (moyenne = 7.3)
11. Active and Passive Voice (25992 candidates) (moyenne = 6.5)
12. Formation of nouns (3978 candidates) (moyenne = 5.8)