Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Build these sentences (1745 candidates) (moyenne = 13.7)
2. Build these sentences (1894 candidates) (moyenne = 12.5)
3. Where are the mistakes ? 6 (2156 candidates) (moyenne = 12.2)
4. Understand a text (49434 candidates) (moyenne = 12.2)
5. Mistakes (1863 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
6. What's the right word? 5 (580 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
7. What's the right word? 6 (480 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
8. Build these sentences (1366 candidates) (moyenne = 11.8)
9. Where are the mistales ? 5 (2036 candidates) (moyenne = 11.7)
10. Build these sentences (2535 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
11. Words (614 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
12. What's the right word? 10 (880 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
13. What's the right word? 11 (544 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
14. What's the right word? 13 (514 candidates) (moyenne = 11.5)
15. Build these sentences (1776 candidates) (moyenne = 11.4)
16. Build these sentences (1261 candidates) (moyenne = 11.4)
17. Build these sentences (2043 candidates) (moyenne = 11.2)
18. What's the right word? 8 (656 candidates) (moyenne = 11)
19. What's the right word? 3 (562 candidates) (moyenne = 10.9)
20. What's the right word? 4 (779 candidates) (moyenne = 10.9)
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