Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Few - Little (2024 candidates) (moyenne = 16.5)
2. This or these (24447 candidates) (moyenne = 16.1)
3. Should or shouldn't ? (116261 candidates) (moyenne = 15.9)
4. Can and can't (265688 candidates) (moyenne = 15.7)
5. Look and particles (7345 candidates) (moyenne = 14.7)
6. Subject pronouns (16149 candidates) (moyenne = 14.5)
7. All, Many, A few (4070 candidates) (moyenne = 14.4)
8. Suggest something (18844 candidates) (moyenne = 14.2)
9. Must or mustn't (213421 candidates) (moyenne = 14.2)
10. So, so many or so much (16844 candidates) (moyenne = 14)
11. Like or would like (140263 candidates) (moyenne = 13.9)
12. Could/Couldn't (298577 candidates) (moyenne = 13.7)
13. During, for or since (73753 candidates) (moyenne = 13.4)
14. Comparison (4251 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
15. Relative pronouns (27441 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
16. Wherever, whenever, whatever, whoever (23891 candidates) (moyenne = 12.8)
17. Repeated comparative (35808 candidates) (moyenne = 12.3)
18. Did, was or were (114882 candidates) (moyenne = 12.3)
19. Comparative (25339 candidates) (moyenne = 12.1)
20. So and neither (7986 candidates) (moyenne = 11.9)
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