Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Good or Well (2471 candidates) (moyenne = 16.4)
2. Their, there or they're (1198 candidates) (moyenne = 15.4)
3. Connectives (4123 candidates) (moyenne = 15.1)
4. Do or Make (7990 candidates) (moyenne = 14.9)
5. Gerund or infinitive (8066 candidates) (moyenne = 14.6)
6. Assure / ensure / insure (4279 candidates) (moyenne = 14.5)
7. Prepositions and conjunctions (3834 candidates) (moyenne = 14.4)
8. Say, Speak or Tell (12998 candidates) (moyenne = 13.9)
9. Relative pronouns (5533 candidates) (moyenne = 13.6)
10. Various tenses in the present (4127 candidates) (moyenne = 13.5)
11. Phrasal verbs (1875 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
12. Agreement tags (5395 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
13. Could, should and would (40805 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
14. Personal pronouns (25917 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
15. Express quantities (3300 candidates) (moyenne = 12.9)
16. To / in order to / so as to / so that (210367 candidates) (moyenne = 12.9)
17. Modal verbs (12380 candidates) (moyenne = 12.3)
18. Direct/Reported Speech (15032 candidates) (moyenne = 12.1)
19. Compound words with some,any,no (11606 candidates) (moyenne = 12)
20. Subordinating conjunctions (8803 candidates) (moyenne = 11.6)
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