Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Health (1799 candidates) (moyenne = 15.6)
2. Spear fishing (1456 candidates) (moyenne = 13)
3. Postpositions (1151 candidates) (moyenne = 12.7)
4. Expressions with the word ARM (1004 candidates) (moyenne = 12.5)
5. Rough day in the forest (1886 candidates) (moyenne = 12.3)
6. Tinkering at home (1828 candidates) (moyenne = 12.2)
7. English proverbs (4330 candidates) (moyenne = 12)
8. Traumatisms (1244 candidates) (moyenne = 10.8)
9. Tables in the house (1598 candidates) (moyenne = 10)
10. Garden tools (1621 candidates) (moyenne = 9.9)
11. What are you sitting on? (2365 candidates) (moyenne = 9.6)
12. Your skin (2499 candidates) (moyenne = 9.6)
13. Disabilities and words (1586 candidates) (moyenne = 7.4)