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    These tests : French tests English tests All
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    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (134 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Het/De (15309 candidates)
    2. Question words (11533 candidates)
    3. Imperfect (7462 candidates)
    4. Pronouns (6233 candidates)
    5. Zijn/Hebben (5784 candidates)
    6. Toen / Als (5021 candidates)
    7. Imperative (3222 candidates)
    8. Comparatives of superiority (3101 candidates)
    9. Passive voice (2591 candidates)
    10. Conjunctions (2485 candidates)
    11. Past participles (2047 candidates)
    12. Prepositions (1620 candidates)
    13. Gender (de-woorden) (1609 candidates)
    14. Superlatives of superiority (1512 candidates)
    15. Linking words (adverbs) (1355 candidates)
    16. Tenses (1305 candidates)
    17. Dialogue : Doctor (1287 candidates)
    18. What's the time? (1279 candidates)
    19. Plural (1268 candidates)
    20. Prepositions (1175 candidates)

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