Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Relative pronouns (36554 candidates)
2. Adjectives (20385 candidates)
3. Obwohl / ohne dass / während (19096 candidates)
4. Subordinate: als, wenn, wann (17035 candidates)
5. Dates (12775 candidates)
6. Personal object pronoun (dative) (9954 candidates)
7. Present : Sein (8230 candidates)
8. Viele, mehrere, einige (7318 candidates)
9. Colour adjectives (7254 candidates)
10. Genug / Ziemlich (6928 candidates)
11. Present tense (3433 candidates)
12. Auxiliary : Sein or haben (3317 candidates)
13. Interrogative pronouns (3258 candidates)
14. Declension : Epithet adjectives (3058 candidates)
15. Tun, stellen, legen, hängen, stecken, einwerfen (2806 candidates)
16. Present Perfect (Perfekt): past participles (2408 candidates)
17. Numbers from 1 to 30 (2208 candidates)
18. Singular > Plural (2185 candidates)
19. Present Perfect (Perfekt) (2073 candidates)
20. Negation - Keine declension (1994 candidates)
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