Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however (6439 candidates)
2. Very, very much, much (4286 candidates)
3. Expressions using comparatives and superlatives (4338 candidates)
4. Expressions with More (2676 candidates)
5. Sentences using Less (2283 candidates)
6. Comparative with Less (60363 candidates)
7. Comparative with as ...as (55747 candidates)
8. Comparative of superiority (71784 candidates)
9. Open / Opened (6229 candidates)
10. For / Since (67821 candidates)
11. Interrogative pronouns/adjectives (10627 candidates)
12. Suggestions (9233 candidates)