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    These tests : French tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by ilona2 with the online test builder (21 tests)
    Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Prepositions in context (3479 candidates)
    2. Proverbs and animals (3792 candidates)
    3. Flowers (1764 candidates)
    4. Animals on the farm (6242 candidates)
    5. Animal sounds (5165 candidates)
    6. Lavender Fairy (799 candidates)
    7. Verbs (1417 candidates)
    8. Synonyms and words (1601 candidates)
    9. Night in words (1234 candidates)
    10. Vocabulary (1277 candidates)
    11. Rose Fairy (936 candidates)
    12. Mister Gordon and his yacht (1193 candidates)
    13. Prepositions in context (7328 candidates)
    14. Gerund or infinitive (4244 candidates)
    15. Weeping Willow Fairy (1043 candidates)
    16. Sea Fairies (1050 candidates)
    17. Kimberley's uncle (1059 candidates)
    18. Count Dracula (2630 candidates)
    19. Written comprehension: At the zoo (4852 candidates)
    20. Personal pronouns (5076 candidates)

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