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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests German tests English tests Maths tests Dutch tests All
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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (914 tests)

    381. Dates (12567 candidates)
    382. Phrasal verbs (1286 candidates)
    383. Pronom relatif : DONT (9607 candidates)
    384. Find the end of these sentences (886 candidates)
    385. Affective talks (2707 candidates)
    386. Sleeping Beauty (6749 candidates)
    387. Weather forecast (3919 candidates)
    388. Conjunctions (2260 candidates)
    389. Idioms (1337 candidates)
    390. Recipe : Lemon cream (4359 candidates)
    391. Final 's' in a word (8368 candidates)
    392. Business letter (3418 candidates)
    393. Business and words (2884 candidates)
    394. Correct tense (24616 candidates)
    395. Possession (1549 candidates)
    396. Mots cachés (1021 candidates)
    397. Collocations (13380 candidates)
    398. Derivation (14018 candidates)
    399. Weather forecast (38512 candidates)
    400. Demonstrative adjectives (30297 candidates)

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