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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (914 tests)

    321. Shopping (8913 candidates)
    322. Comparatives (39421 candidates)
    323. Possessive adjectives and pronouns (118725 candidates)
    324. Article The or not ? (24260 candidates)
    325. Modal verbs (16427 candidates)
    326. Indefinite quantities (2496 candidates)
    327. Prepositions (1871 candidates)
    328. Imperative: circus (41729 candidates)
    329. Participes passés à valeur adjectivale (3951 candidates)
    330. Passive voice and tenses (27459 candidates)
    331. Possessive adjectives (3559 candidates)
    332. For,since,ago (31730 candidates)
    333. Verbes en -AR (2168 candidates)
    334. Recipe : Apple pie (4930 candidates)
    335. Verbs -ER (1036 candidates)
    336. Sports (16577 candidates)
    337. Prepositions (5555 candidates)
    338. Verbs -IR (821 candidates)
    339. Interrogatifs et prépositions (19113 candidates)
    340. School subjects (12045 candidates)

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