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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (914 tests)

    221. Opposites (5316 candidates)
    222. Pronoms relatifs (39309 candidates)
    223. Video games (2313 candidates)
    224. Gardening (984 candidates)
    225. Infinitive or V-ing (7267 candidates)
    226. Hundred, thousand, million (86521 candidates)
    227. Exclamations (4391 candidates)
    228. Derived adjectives (4911 candidates)
    229. Find infinitive forms (2544 candidates)
    230. Relative pronouns (1200 candidates)
    231. Mona Lisa (804 candidates)
    232. Relative pronouns (2834 candidates)
    233. Diminutives (4869 candidates)
    234. Fruit & vegetables (10875 candidates)
    235. Indefinite pronouns (13920 candidates)
    236. Prepositions and gerund (30160 candidates)
    237. Possessive adjectives (1550 candidates)
    238. Future (17066 candidates)
    239. Egyptian pyramids (906 candidates)
    240. Las placas tectónicas (638 candidates)

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