61. Vocabulary: prison sentences (254 candidates)
62. Vocabulary: the courts (222 candidates)
63. Vocabulary : the Law (340 candidates)
64. Vocabulary: The police force (334 candidates)
65. Vocabulary: emergency services (4484 candidates)
66. Vocabulary: prevention (4277 candidates)
67. Vocabulary: going to the doctor's (2) (5118 candidates)
68. Idioms: shouting, screaming, yelling (600 candidates)
69. Idioms: sheep (315 candidates)
70. Idioms: our foot - feet (292 candidates)
71. Link words (again!) (6216 candidates)
72. Vocabulary: heating and electrical appliances (4761 candidates)
73. Vocabulary: lighting and electricity (316 candidates)
74. Vocabulary: official procedures (5322 candidates)
75. TO: preposition or infinitive (6338 candidates)
76. Vocabulary: Beginning - Ending (4722 candidates)
77. Vocabulary: how to give locations (5236 candidates)
78. Vocabulary: directions (6170 candidates)
79. To wish:(again!) (5254 candidates)
80. It seems... (with our five senses!) (6265 candidates)
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