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    These tests : French tests English tests All
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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (599 tests)

    61. Different sounds (276 candidates)
    62. Préfixes et antonymes. (495 candidates)
    63. Complements of adjectives (668 candidates)
    64. Masculin ou féminin ? (985 candidates)
    65. Homophones (602 candidates)
    66. Should or Would (842 candidates)
    67. Words in disorder (719 candidates)
    68. True friends (438 candidates)
    69. Consonnes finales muettes. (493 candidates)
    70. Vue (la) et ses expressions (345 candidates)
    71. Logical connectives (1183 candidates)
    72. Idioms (331 candidates)
    73. Expressions (685 candidates)
    74. Idioms and numbers (491 candidates)
    75. Imparfait ou passé simple ? (962 candidates)
    76. Plural of words (410 candidates)
    77. Tenses and verbs (657 candidates)
    78. Orthographe - prononciation proche (587 candidates)
    79. Dictée : Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (1253 candidates)
    80. Location of adverbs (557 candidates)

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